What’s your challenge with your physical body?
“Hi Jan. I thought I’d give you a progress report. This morning I felt better than the best deep body-work (read stiff, sore, and delighted). I’m moving mighty slow, but I am moving! Thank you so much…your work was amazing.” (Susan W., Missouri, USA)
“I just talked with Randy. He had another therapy session this morning. He’s getting therapy on both his hand (right) and his wrist (right) — to build it up and strengthen things before his surgery. Well today his therapist said she is very pleased with the progress of both the hand and the wrist, to the point where she thinks Randy should talk with his surgeon about NOT having the surgery on the hand, and Randy should start to wean himself off using the elastic wraps and wrist supports!” (D.B., Milwaukee, WI, USA)
When do your relationships need a healing intervention?
“Tonight my husband suddenly volunteered to pray with me, with great interest in my spiritual practice. I ended up spending half an hour answering his questions. My husband and I have very similar spiritual views, but we each have different practices which I totally honor. However I have always wished that we could conduct a spiritual practice together on a daily basis. As you know a part of me was ashamed of sharing my practice with others, and the session with you has taken this away from my belief system.” (K. F., Florida, USA)
What do you want to improve in your life experience?
“Jan’s interpretation and use of SRT has helped to create freedom in every area of my life. I literally feel space between my cells that I didn’t have before. This lightness has been one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. Thank you Jan!” (Sheen P., Nevada, USA)
“Just a follow-up note from our call to let you know I’m doing great! I want to tell you emphatically what a huge difference I feel in my total vibration. I feel lighter and easier. I have my sense of humor back. Things are not getting to me as heavily as they were. I’m excited again, appreciative, grateful, happy. I am so excited to be back to myself I can hardly find the words to describe how grateful I am to you for helping me.”
“I’ve already been thinking about things I want to work on next with you. Right now I’m just enjoying all of this. I feel like I’ve found myself again and didn’t know how very lost I’d been until I got back. It’s exhilarating! My very deepest thanks and appreciation.” (Dale B, New Hampshire, USA)
“A large part of our call today was about “being comfortable with stepping into my personal power,” which is what I have been praying for. I can’t believe everything is already unfolding in such a beautiful way. Thanks again for introducing me to your great work!” (Karin G, Florida, USA)
“Thank you, Jan, for articulating my experience so perfectly! Your perspective feels comfortable, and gives me a sense of ease when I read it. I’m grateful to you for the part you played in helping me to discover the gifts of my soul. For anyone who is interested, I found Jan at www.ourspiraljourney.com and my work with her was life- changing.” (Dana at NineTomatoes.com)
What’s the inside story of how you can be more successful and prosperous?
“Just wanted to fill you in. The board meeting went far better than expected. I didn’t resign, nobody else resigned, and I didn’t react. I was surrounded by white light the whole time. Felt very protected. This is awesome stuff! Thank you again for being there for me! You’ve made a huge difference in my life.” (S.C, Wisconsin, USA)
“I talked to my brother for a long time on Tuesday night. He had been at a small business seminar while you and I were doing energy work for him. He said that of the 4 things the speaker listed that people do to contribute to a failing business, he had done 3 of them. He decided to fold his business, pay off his debt by going back to work, and take as many seminars as he could to regroup and try his own business again.
That was Tuesday. Holy cow! On Friday night, he called again. He had begun telling everyone that he was folding his business, and the help came from every corner of the universe!
An acquaintance that loves my brother’s work, runs a business that makes concrete items like outdoor statues and bird baths. This man was working with the owner to “upgrade” to higher end products.
On Tuesday, without knowing the problems, (while we were doing the energy work for my brother) this guy convinced the owner to begin telling customers that they had the ability to do concrete counter tops, sinks etc. Within an hour after he proposed this to the owner, he already had 3 jobs for counter tops lined up for my brother!
They plan to contract my brother to do the architectural designs, and then with his supervision, build the items. They have an entire manufacturing plant ready and waiting for this!
I told him about how I had asked you to do energy work for him. I told him some of the things we cleared blocks to. When I mentioned ‘fear,’ he immediately said that he had been so afraid to let anybody down…. even the creditors! Thank you so much my dear!” (T.J., Wisconsin, USA)
How do you deal with emotional meltdowns and unexplainable happenings?
“It is quite interesting how my cellular memory release is evolving. I am ever so gently unwinding. At times I find myself not grounded, but quickly know what is happening and am able to correct that. Life is good. I feel very blessed that our paths have crossed. You are a great mentor for me.” (Audrey W., USA)
“I wanted to tell you that when you did a restructuring on my son, you told me it would take about 2 years to really work. Well, this school year has been his best one ever. He still has social issues, but his mood and academic performance are so much better. My husband is also doing better now than he has in at least the past 3 years I so appreciate all the work you did for me and my family. It worked!” (Lynne K., Missouri, USA)
“I am super sensitive to negativity! People, comments, situations, movies! I try so hard to fight it, but the negativity comes from every direction and is really exhausting. After my sessions with you, I am super strong spiritually and super connected with my Higher Self, universe and God. It is amazing! (C.N., Idaho, USA)
I’m here to walk this healing journey with you. Let’s get together and bring results like these into your life now.
Here’s what you do:
- You send me an email at Janice (at) OurSpiralJourney.com with the subject line “Let’s Schedule My Spa Experience for My Soul!”
- You look for an email acknowledging I received your request, that I need some basic information about you, and I ask you to choose a date and time from my calendar that works for you.
- You email the information and we set up an appointment. I send you all the information you need to connect to the teleconference line to record the call.
- After the call you send me the agreed upon payment for the session and I send you the mp3 download of the call.
Sessions average between 60 and 90 minutes and are available worldwide. Do it now while you’re thinking about it. Send an email to: Janice (at) OurSpiralJourney.com with the subject line “Let’s Schedule My Spa Experience for My Soul!”
Replace the (at) with @ and make sure there are no spaces between any of the words and the @ symbol. This address is deliberately modified to avoid spammers.
Don’t wait. Get on the calendar now
This data is provided for informational purposes only. We make no claims or guarantees that your results will be the same as or better than those illustrated. The names and circumstances of the persons in this information have been changed to protect their privacy and confidentiality. All testimonials are actual quotations from satisfied and grateful clients.